Jane and Keely’s ‘Technology Shuffleday’ in Chippenham!

On Wednesday 15th March, Jane and I headed up to the newly opened Wiltshire College, Chippenham Campus. The reason for the visit was to participate in their ‘Technology Shuffle Day’.

We were invited to take part following an informal lunchtime chat at a BLC SouthWest meeting. Jane Davidson, Head of Learning Resources at Wiltshire College, described how they were running a staff development day, starting off with all staff being given a 15 minute bitesize demo of technology being used at Wiltshire College, to allow staff to choose  3  full workshops they wanted to attend in the afternoon.

This somehow led to myself and Jane being signed up to run two workshops on TedEd lessons, a resource which we had promoted here at Petroc but was not being used at Wiltshire College.

ted less

Despite the fact that we were unable to give a 15 minute bitesize overview of the TedTed leafletEd lessons in the morning, we were pleased to have 12 lecturers sign up for our afternoon sessions.

TedEd lessons can be used as an assessment tool, an interactive activity, flipped learning or a method for peer assessment.

The session we ran was very hands on, everyone who attended left having created and completed their first TedEd lesson, they also got to share their lesson with everyone else in the group via Padlet. All of the resources and help they needed was accessed via the Padlet, set up for the days training, this included a TedEd lesson, a poster and a video guide on how to create their own TedEd.

ted use 2

The sessions were very lively,  the participants were  enthusastic and the feedback was great…“Absolutely brilliant. I am not a technophobe but am so ICT incompetent it’s unbelievable that I managed to create a lesson – I am going to work on this tonight & actually use it in my teaching tomorrow. Thank you so much!”

If you would like to know more about using TedEd in your classroom, please watch Jane’s video showing how easy it is to set up a lesson and come and speak to the Petroc Learning Technologies team.